Friday 21 January 2011

Latin-American Music

Ever since I was a little girl I have had a thing for Latin-American music. (Not only the music by the way…I also really like the food and the dancing.) I never knew much about the music though… I still don´t.

However, about two and a half years ago I met a wonderful guy that eventually became my boyfriend. He is Latin-American, and therefore well acquainted with the music from this part of the world. On one of our first dates, he played Latin-American music to me… and I was sold. One of the musicians he “introduced me to” was Juan Luis Guerra. Guerra is from the Dominican Republic, and most of his music is in the “merengue”-category. The music always makes me sing along (and I don´t even speak Spanish!). I guess there is something about the melody and the rhythms that I find extraordinarily appealing. Playing one of his songs can, for me, change a grey mood/feeling into hot pink!

Click on the link below… maybe it works for you too :)

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